Organizational Membership Options
Active members are eligible to attend meetings and social functions, partake in all educational activities and functions, entitled to receive literature and other information disseminated by the association, may vote on all matters brought before the Members for a decision, and are eligible to hold any office provided for in these bylaws. Dues: $250.00 (3-year membership. This includes CFC Certification valid for 3 years)
Persons or business entities are entitled to all privileges of an Active Member with the exception of the right to vote, hold office or serve as the Chairperson on standing committees. Annual dues: $50.00 (Does not include CFC Certification Renewal)
The Board of Directors at a duly organized meeting may elect “Honorary” members by a unanimous vote of the Board Members present. “Honorary” members are entitled to all privileges of an Active Member with the exception of the right to vote, hold office or serve as the Chairperson on standing committees and shall be exempt from payment of any fees. Annual dues: Exempt from paying dues
Persons or business entities that meet or exceed entry level fees which are due annually, are entitled to receive benefits according to level of sponsorship, with the exception of the right to vote, hold office or serve as the Chairperson on standing committees. Annual dues: - Silver Sponsor: $500 -Gold Sponsor: $1,000 -Platinum Sponsor: $1,500 -Diamond Sponsor: $5,000
To Apply for an Individual Membership, Click here:
To apply for a Corporate Membership, Click here:
Benefits of IAMTCS Membership
As a member of IAMTCS, in addition to the educational programs made available to you, IAMTCS is working with various other groups and sponsors that support our organization and provide benefits to you. All members are eligible for discounts on Enterprise Rentals. IAMTCS members should email for Promotion Code—other benefits and discounts to be announced.
Communicator of the Year
Recognizing a Communication Specialist who demonstrates enthusiasm and competence in all aspects of their duties and consistently promotes safe practices with an emphasis on professionalism, dedication, and a desire to improve their communication skills continuously.